
Implementing comments

In the Crypto.Page ecosystem comments are an integrated part of each individual post. Any of the users who have the right to make comments to the post can leave such a comment. The body of the comment, as well as the content of the post itself, is stored on IPFS, while the link to the file with the contents of the comment is loaded inside the Page.NFT contract and is directly linked to a specific post for which such a comment was created. Comments are not separate NFTs, but are always rigidly linked to the post for which they were written. For comments, there are restrictions on the amount of data uploaded to IPFS via Page.DAPP/Page.Mobile.

The rights to create comments are determined based on the rules of the post owner. Comments can be either open to everyone or closed to everyone, which is determined by the author when creating the post. At the same time, in the future, the owner of the post token can allow open comments for a post that previously had closed comments, however, neither the owner nor the author of the post can switch the post to closed comments mode if comments were allowed and at least one comment for the post was created.

The rights to create comments are based on the rules of the post owner. Comments can be either open to everyone or closed to everyone, which is determined by the author when creating the post. At the same time, in the future, the owner of the post token can allow open comments for a post that previously had closed comments, however, neither the owner nor the author of the post can switch the post to closed comments mode if comments were allowed and at least one comment was created for post.

When the post belongs to the community:

  • If the author of the post has closed comments for the post, then commenting is prohibited, but the community can switch such a post to the "open" comments mode.

  • If the author of the post opened comments when creating a token, then the community cannot close comments for the post if at least one comment already exists. If comments are open for a post, additional rules configured in the community are used to determine whether a particular user can leave a comment. For example, there may be communities that allow comments only to community members with a certain rating, etc.

Creating comments requires gas, which is paid for by the author of the comment. In the Crypto.Page ecosystem the expenses of such gas will be partially compensated to the user in the form of a Page.Token emission, as described in the Emission model section. When writing comments, the user can specify the percentage of compensation that he would like to receive, and the percentage of compensation that he would like to transfer to the author of the original post as a bonus, and if this is established by the rules of the community, the percentages will be distributed automatically. Such an indication is compared with the maximum possible values included in the system as a whole and in a particular community, and it is guaranteed that the level of compensation for spent gas will never exceed the established maximum levels of the system.

The creation of comments leads to the accrual of Page.SoulBound tokens for both the author of the comment and the author (not the owner) of the original post, implementing the Crypto.Page reputation system.

Last updated