Community Settings
Examples of the community settings
Communities are characterized not only by the name and content posted in the community, but also by the set of settings of each community. You can see examples of such settings below:
Community membership rules, for example:
Open to everyone.
Requires a certain level of social reputation (expressed through Page.SoulBound tokens).
Requires payment in the Page.Token tokens when joining the community.
Requires periodic payment in the Page.Token tokens.
Post placement rules, for example:
Available to everyone for free.
Available to everyone for a fee in the Page.Token.
Available only to the community members.
Available only to the founders of the community.
Accepting posts to the community, for example:
Open to everyone - any user can post to the community.
Open only to the members - any member of the community can post to the community.
Pre-moderation of the posts - posts must be confirmed by a team of moderators (depending on the moderation rules).
Accepting posts only from the founders of the community.
Access to reading posts, for example:
Open to everyone.
Community members only (check Encrypted communities for further information).
Post commenting rules, for example:
It is allowed to comment without restrictions.
It is allowed to comment once.
Only participants with a certain level of reputation (expressed in the Page.SoulBound reputation tokens) are allowed to comment.
Moderation and moderators appointments settings, for example:
Moderated through the appointment of moderators.
Moderated through voting.
No moderation.
Gas compensation settings using Page.Token for authors, for example:
All Page.Tokens created as gas compensation for creating posts and comments are transferred to the community.
All Page.Tokens created as gas compensation for the creation of posts and comments are transferred to the authors of the post or comment.
Many other possible options between the above.
Ads placement in communities:
Managed by the Founders team.
Managed by the moderators team.
Managed by specifically assigned community member.
No ads in the community.
Community Management Rules Settings:
Managed of the Founders team.
Managed through voting, which adds additional rules:
Rules for voting initiation.
Rules for the completion of voting (Minimum turnout for voting).
Duration of voting.
The rules for counting votes - whether the number of tokens on the user's balance is taken into account, or the following rules apply: 1 participant = 1 vote
The required level of the reputation for voting, and so on.
Profit distribution rules, for example:
The profit is distributed to all community members in proportion to their involvement in the life of the community (accrued Page.SoulBound for actions in the community).
The profit is distributed evenly to all members of the community.
Profit is distributed through voting.
Profit is transferred to the community's founding team.
Reputation management within the community, for example:
Page.SoulBounds are not awarded within the community.
Community-specific Page.SoulBounds are generated when performing certain actions within the community.
Transferring posts outside the community, for example:
Allowed through voting.
Allowed to the author.
The list of available community settings is not immutable and will grow together with the Crypto.Page ecosystem.
From a technical point of view, all the settings listed above are implemented as separate smart contracts implementing each of the settings that are turned on or off within communities. When new settings appear, the Crypto.Page team will implement a contract implementing these settings and register it in Page.Registry, and communities will determine whether they should include such a contract within their community.
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