
User accounts on the Crypto.Page social network

A unique user ID in the Crypto.Page ecosystem is the user's public key (wallet). Due to this, there is no need to go through the registration process in the Crypto.Page social network - if you have a wallet of any of the blockchains supported by the system, you are automatically a member of the Crypto.Page social network.

When you first open our applications (such as Page.DAPP, Page.Mobile or Page.Messenger) we will ask you to confirm that you have access to your public key, and as soon as you confirm ownership of such a wallet, we will give you access to all the functionality of the system - from the ability to create posts, comments and communities, and ending with the ability to participate in the social media management or conduct secure transactions through our system.

Your public key (wallet) is not only your account in the Crypto.Page system, at the same time it is also your personal social profile in the Crypto.Page system. We display all the NFT tokens that you own, all the NFT tokens that you have created and all the NFT tokens that you have translated as posts on your social media account (of different types). This applies not only to Page.NFT tokens but also to any tokens conforming to the ERC721 standard. Page.NFT tokens, of course, provide additional functionality that is not available in other NFT tokens.

Crypto.Page is a cross-chain solution deployed on a variety of blockchains, and, in some cases (for example, the number of Page.Token and Page.SoulBound when voting) Crypto.Page takes into account tokens from different networks. To support this functionality, users need to link their wallets between different blockchains through the creation of a special transaction that will confirm that the user owns both linked wallets on different networks. For example, to confirm that wallet 1 on blockchain A belongs to and is controlled by the same person as wallet 2 on blockchain B, the user must generate a transaction with wallet number 2 on blockchain A on behalf of wallet 1, and a transaction with wallet number 1 on blockchain B on behalf of wallet 2. This information will be stored in a special Page.Account smart contract storing similar associations.

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